February 2 – Día de la Candelaria (Candlemas Day). In San Miguel e Allende, Candlelaria is the unofficial beginning of spring and it’s become famous for the plant/flower sales held in originally in Juarez Park as of 2020 in Parque Zeferino Gutierrez. Dozens of vendors line the walkways of the park, selling everything imaginable for the garden.

February 5 – Constitution Day (legal holiday), marking the ratification of the Mexican Constitution in 1917. Schools, banks, and other offices are closed, and there is usually a parade somewhere in San Miguel de Allende.

February 14 – Valentine’s Day – More often refer to it as Día de Amistád or Day of Friendship. But for a romantic dinner out , reserve well in advanc, there are several event held thoughout San Miguel de Allende.

February – Carnaval a movable festivity – When walking through the Jardín on the weekend before Ash Wednesday, stay alert. Vendors will be surrounding the square selling big baskets of cascarones, dyed eggshells filled with confetti, glitter and/or cornstarch. These are perfectly designed for breaking over the heads of friends and strangers alike. Kids especially get a giggle out of bashing them on the noggins of unwary gringos. If you don’t go home covered in confetti, you haven’t properly been to the Jardín on Carnaval weekend. This is also the day to buy the huge crepe paper flowers that make such colorful home decor.

February– Ash Wednesday movable festivity held 40 days before Semana SAnta. Marks the beginning of Lent. Special masses in most churches in town. One special food to be on the look out for throughout the Lenten season is capirotada, a delicious and very traditional Mexican bread pudding that includes cheese. It’s easy to make at home. Here’s an authentic Mexican recipe for capirotada.

February 24 – Flag Day. Another patriotic holiday with parades and civic events around the Jardín. At 10 am, a patriotic ceremony is held at the Plaza de los Héroes on the Salida a Querétaro (el “Mirador”) of San Miguel de Allende.


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